As I am typing this out I am EXCITEDLY awaiting the UPS man – the delivery of my much anticipated Project Life (Jade Kit) should be at my doorstep any minute. I bet many of you who ordered the Today’s Special on Sunday at (Saturday night for me) are expecting to receive your kit shortly as well. I will be doing a open box video soon on it as well, so subscribe to the Create Scrapbooks YouTube Channel if you are interested. (I already have several Project Life by Becky Higgins open box videos up now if you want to see any kits that I have ordered previously.)
I thought I would start “Freebie Friday” today.Â
My most recent organizational post was on organization of my Project Life style page protectors from all different manufacturers including larger sized 12×12″, 10×12″, Â 6×12″ and a few other smaller protectors (you can see the post below or click here to read). I was recently at Michaels checking out any new must-have items and I ran across the 6×8″ Sn@p! Simple Stories page protectors… I grabbed the Variety Pack (10 Pack) and went to the WRMK 12×12″ ringed albums (this is what I have been using for my Project Life so far) to make sure the holes would line up and I could use them as part of my Project Life. They do! I used my coupon and headed home a happy girl.
Then, I realized that in light of my newly organized page protector stash that I needed to add these 6×8″ design sizes I just purchased to my system now. No worries… actually I am super excited to incorporate this size into my stash and projects.
So, today I created another FREE .pdf including just these 6×8″ pocket style page protectors and am sharing that with you (you can download this free along with the whole system – just add them all to your cart and checkout). Enjoy! If you want to just cut these apart and add them to your system as needed you can, or you can purchase the .psd files to create your own custom page protector organizational system (and these DO include this latest update of 6×8″ protectors).
If you love your new system and this post helped you I would appreciate it if you could please share this post with your creative friends, follow my YouTube Channel here, Twitter, pin on Pinterest, or like the Create Scrapbooks Facebook page – see all the links at the bottom of this site as well. Thanks for your support!Â

Hi I have been thinking about starting a project life album after just learning about it recently. I was wondering if the simple life page protectors are better? Less expensive? And it sounds like you can put these page protectors into any 12×12 correct?
I like your whole organizational blog. Seems helpful!
Hi Katherine! Glad you found my blog and hope you can use the organizational and scrapbooking tips here. 🙂 Project Life protectors can be used with several others – like Pocket Pages by MAMBI (found at Michaels), the Simple Stories/Snap divided protectors are 6×8 and smaller, but can be worked into a larger 12×12″ album if you want to combine them all. Looks like Hobby Lobby and Michaels will soon be carrying a whole line of Project Life along with the other companies – so the best thing to do if you have one locally is to pop in there and see what you like best. All seem to fit nicely into the 3-ring binder style of album and it is GREAT to see so much variety out there. Hope you get started on yours… it is such fun and a great way to document your memories easily. Let me know how it goes!